Thursday, 20 March 2014

The walfare state in the UK

The welfare state is a system the country control many different aspects in the citizens life. According to Oxford (2014): System whereby the state undertakes to protect the health and well-being of its citizens, especially those in financial or social need.

Social security is when citizens lose their jobs or they are unemployment, and that is called the (dole). Also, low income worker, too old or unable to work, or if the woman is pregnant or have a child.

To get a child benefit the person should be responsible for a child under 16 and it is 20.30 £ a week. It seems that it is not enough because live requirements nowadays are too much. Osbore (2013) the Welfare payments account for around £120 billion of the £720 billion the Government spends each year on the benefits. This shows that the government acted on the benefits as much as possible for the people who needs.


In general all the British people must buy the VAT which is the (value added tax), the government take off 20% of their salary but it is not included on food or children clothes. It seems that it is unfair for the citizens regarding the immigrants, because they do not have to pay the taxes or rent a house if they are living in the UK and finishes working 13 weeks. In addition, National health insurance the British people pay for it by 33%. However the international people who are studying in the UK do not have to buy for it.

Oxford dictionary (2014) Welfare state. Available at: (Accessed at: 19thMarch 2014).

The Telegraph (2013) British Can Not Afford Welfare State. Available at: (Accessed at: 19th March 2014).

The Role of Journalists

The journalists have an important part in the life and the press could not continue without them. Leveson (2012) stated that: Editors and journalists are very independently-minded people, and usually strongly they refuse anyone that to interfere in their work. Their role is to find out and publish the truth, but with respecting the privacy of the celebrities and organizations. Also they have to be unbiased of what they are doing to publish. According to Leveson (2012): The British media is restricted in three main aspects: public interests, religions, and individuals, also in the court or government. Everyone felt like the British press does not have enough freedom to report what they have. On the other side, the press UK press should make that the media obey the law. In addition, the government should uphold and protect the freedom of the press.  Leveson said that the police officers are given hospitality to give actions and make decisions.


Rights and responsibilities of the UK press (2012) Key findings of the Leveson inquiry into the UK press.  Available at:
The Leveson Inquiry (2012) Media ownership and freedom of expression. Available at:


Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Globalised Values

People have culture shock when they arrive to other countries. Currently, values and morals are getting similar to other cultures, and that is becoming easier to immigrate because of a reduction in culture shock. People should recognize and respect the fact that different cultures have different values, and they have different ways of being expressed. “It is known that there are values like freedom, human rights, equity, and justice are universal values.” Blair (2009). The morals code over the world is to respect other people, and to not hurt other people. The most common globalized moral is that treat people like you want them to treat you. Young people expect other culture easily because they are still forming themselves, but old people over the age of 50 will not because they rise up to their culture and not expect other morals. It is believable that most countries have same values however, there are a little bit differences like in all Gulf countries women can drive cars, but in Saudi Arabia in is not allowed for women and if they did it they punish them. Saudi Arabia is known around the world as the only country where women are not allowed to drive. Women are allowed to own cars but not drive them. Although women can be arrested for driving in Saudi Arabia, there is no formal law that actually makes it illegal. InterNations CONECTING MINDS (2007). These values and morals are changing the world and it can be seen in social transformation, political system, and ecosystems. Thus the world is becoming to have the same morals and values.





Blair,T.(2009) What Can Values Do For Globalization?. Available at: (Accessed: 19th March 2014).

InterNations (2007) Driving in Saudi Arabia. Available at: (Accessed: 19th March 2014).

Sunday, 2 February 2014


These days it is seen that large number of homeless on the streets are increasing, and that is accorded the statistics that (Centrepoint 2005 cited in Forrester 2006). That is possibly 80% of youth homelessness.
The possible factors that cause homelessness is that, first: the violence that young people have from their families. Also, there might not enough space for the people in the home. In addition, parents could be not qualified; therefore the income that they have each month does not cover their needs. Second: lack of unemployment plays a major role in this cause, because if they do not have money they cannot live in the flat that may lead them to live in the street. Third: poverty is
as well is a cause of homelessness, most of the poor people having a dog because the government provides money to take care of dogs. Finally: “Probably the most common factor of homeless people is that they are drug and alcohol addicts — with good reason. 68% of U.S. cities report that addiction is a single largest cause of homelessness.” The solution for that problem is to build for the homelessness a hostel to live there in exchange to work unskilled jobs if they were unqualified.

Forrestar,G. (2006) Push in youth homelessness. 3rd ed. Reading: Garnet.

Porthland Rescue (2011) Causes of homelessness. Available at: (Accessed: 2nd February 2014).


Sunday, 19 January 2014

Youth unemployment in The UK

The United Kingdom is suffering from having three quarters of young people not employed. Source?  “More than 650,000 young people are classified as NEETs (not in education, employment, or training), or 9 percent of the total. The number of under-25s in work has fallen rapidly since 2008.” Associated Newspapers (2012).That might cause uncountable numbers of problems. Young people find it hard to search for a job. If young people do not have something to live for, they will feel disappointed and the will have a miserable life. Former Bank of England governor Sir Mervyn King warned: UK economic activity will be broadly flat until the middle of next year and the country faces a difficult economic environment. Mount,J. (2013). So youth unemplyment is unlikely to fall. The unemployed might be tempted to commit many crimes such as stealing, driving while they are drinking alcohol, selling drugs and kidnapping people, because of their lack of money. For that problem there are many solutions: they should get up early and look for a job even if the salary is low, it may increase in time. The place where they are going to work in should give them a salary for two months to buy new clothes and pay the rent, if they need to live away from their parents and move to a new area. The government should support young people by finding a job for them. The best way is to set up businesses to take them on. That could lead to changing the economy in the country. It seems that the above solutions may alleviate the problem. The big fault is on the people who rely on the future to employ them, instead of going and apply for jobs. Apprenticeship schemes?


Associated Newspapers (2012) Double whammy as youth jobless breaks 1m barrier for first time and Britain faces one in three chance of a double-dip recession. Available at: (Accessed: 2nd February 2014).


Sunday, 8 December 2013

feeling different about living and studying in the UK

After living three months in the UK away from my country and family, living independently, many things have changed in my personality in many ways, but also there are still things I have not change in.

Living in the UK is much easier and better than I have expected. In the first month in September I felt homesickness but now it is much lesser, because I have met many new people form my country. I have used to adapt to live in Cardiff and know the places well. Studying in here is a beneficial step for my future and many aspects in my live have changed to the better.

However, living away from the country and family is a difficult and not everybody can do it.

The advanteges and disadvantages of immigration

There are many advantageous and disadvantageous for having uncountable number of immigrants in a country; it maybe makes the country be better in many ways, or it may cause many problems for the country.

The advantages for having immigrants are:
They have different skills to bring to develop the country they are coming to.
There will be different restaurants and different kinds of foo therefore the public will not get bored. Also in the Fashion way it will change; many immigrants will bring their fashion to other countries, as a result people will have sharing and interchange in the fashion world.
People will gain more knowledge about different cultures and different countries.
The country which receives more immigration will have more business and the economic level of it will increase.
More tolerant between people and they will become more global from inside.

 However the disadvantage are less than the benefits of immigration:
 More crimes will happen.
immigrants will not respect the country religion and culture and they will do bad things that injure the country and citizens.
If the immigrants come and takes high level of jobs citizens will have no jobs and the next generation also.